Beauty Sleep Explained: Do Sleep Habits Really Affect Your Skin?

Beauty Sleep Explained: Do Sleep Habits Really Affect Your Skin?


Did you wake up, once again, feeling pretty terrible after a bad night's sleep? And did you drag yourself to the bathroom only to discover new spots and blemishes on your face and an overall dull and lackluster complexion? If you are suspecting that it's the lack of sleep that is making you feel (and look) exhausted, then you are probably right.

"Beauty sleep" may sound a bit like a myth but it has been proven, time and again, to have some direct correlations with your skin's health. Would you like to find out what the most incredible benefits of sleeping are for your skin? Then, read on: we have unlocked all the sleep-related secrets for you.

Reduces the Appearance of Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Can sleep be better than anti-aging skincare? It may sound a bit far-fetched, but there's some truth in it. Dermatologists around the world agree that getting good sleep regularly can help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines

How does this happen, though? While you are sleeping, your cells go through a natural process of renewal and repair. This, in turn, means that the free radicals that are responsible for causing wrinkles, dark spots, and other aging signs, are minimized. 

Helps Fighting Skin Breakouts

If you know a bit about hormones, then you should be familiar with cortisol. High levels of this hormone can be harmful as they increase inflammation which leads the skin to produce more oil and sebum.

The results? Clogged pores, redness, puffiness, and breakouts. And guess what can cause cortisol levels to rise?

Yep, lack of sleep. Sleep decreases the amount of cortisol that your body produces, helping your skin look and feel refreshed and restored in the morning. Of course, the opposite is also true on those nights when you don't manage to get enough good-quality sleep.

Gets Rid Of Those Dark Circles and Under-Eye Bags

Another way in which lack of sleep can be detrimental to the way your skin looks is the appearance of dark circles. This happens because the tissues and blood vessels that lie under your skin dilate and appear more prominent due to your complexion looking duller and lackluster. And what about that puffy feeling that you get under your eyes?

Again, a bad night's sleep might be the culprit. When you're not sleeping well, fluid can build up under your eyes, which in turn generates the dreaded (yet all too common) phenomenon of under-eye bags.

The cure? Sleeping more and better, of course, while at the same time using some specific skincare products. 

Restores Natural Skin Moisture

Have you ever noticed super-dry, tight skin after a bad night? This is because sleep is also essential to maintain normal and natural levels of moisture in your skin. 

Sleeping for a good amount of hours helps to restore your skin's moisture, leaving you with smoother, fresher skin in the morning. You perspire a lot more while you are asleep, which aids with the hydration levels throughout your body.

So, next time you apply your moisturizer in the morning only to discover dry, rough, tight skin, consider how you slept that night. If you had a late one or spent most of your time in bed tossing and turning, then your morning skin hoes may be connected to how you slept that night.

How Can You Promote a Better Night's Sleep?

The associations between sleeping and skin are clear. So, now you might be wondering how you can ensure better nights more regularly, to get glowing skin. We have some good news: introducing positive sleeping habits into your life is easier than you'd expect.

First of all, you might need to reduce your stress levels during the day, and how you cope with stressful situations. Stress and anxiety can be responsible for those sleepless nights. Incorporate practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga into your life, and make them a daily habit.

Then, you should also look at what you put on your plate and in your glass every day. Are you consuming too much caffeine, alcohol, and fast foods? Try to minimize all of that straight away, as it can have a very negative impact on how much and how well you sleep at night.

Last but not least, you might want to consider creating a bedtime routine to follow night after night. This may include a relaxing bath with some calming scents, a feel-good book to read in bed, and a short meditation. Remember, also, to free your bedroom from distractions and electronic devices, and create a dark, quiet, and sleep-conducive environment. 

Beauty Sleep: The All-Important Step of Your Skincare Routine

Using great skincare products is paramount to achieving the best skin of your life. But so is leading a healthy and balanced lifestyle, which includes getting plenty of beauty sleep. Sleeping well and enough is the ideal way to complement any other essential beauty products that you are using.

Good-quality sleep helps to renew and repair your cells, making your skin look younger and fresher. It also enables you to reduce the appearance of aging signs, as well as dark circles and puffiness. Sleeping well is a real beauty tonic for your skin, so you should do what you can to ensure better sleep, night after night.

Would you like to achieve amazing skin but aren't sure where to start and need a bit of guidance and inspiration? Contact us at Spa Sciences, and we will be thrilled to help you achieve the best skin you've ever had.


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